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How do I work ?

Tests. A whole lot of tests.


Ok, more seriously, I mainly work with excel, my coding experience as well as my knowlegde of 3D softwares, to list and prototype features to put them in the hands of playtesters as soon as possible in order to get feedback. Once that is done I will iterate on what doesn't work, or completly rework certain aspects that did not click with players. 


I know that's pretty standard stuff, but I really do want to put forward my care for player feedback, as I firmly believe that it is important that the players never feel ignored and forgotten by developers.


I can use multiple game engines like, Unity (I can code in C# to prototype features) and Unreal Engine 4 and 5 (using Blueprints). I am currently trying to get used to RPG Maker MV and Godot 4.


Crops Warriors

"Crops Warriors" is one of the many projects I work on at the moment as a game designer and level designer. It is my third, and final, year project at ESMA. I mainly work on balancing the weapons, and working on the gun feel all around. As for level design, I mainly do sketchs and blockouts, for the artists to make pretty.

This project is meant to be done over a year and should release in mid 2024.

Verboten Reich

This project was my second group project for my second year at ESMA. I worked on the narrative design as well as game design.
I mainly used Excel in order to order dialogs and branching options as well as Twine.
This project was realised under three weeks, and you can find it here.

The Great Lands

"The Great Lands" are a TTRPG project I work on my own. It is in a very early development state, but you will be able to find the documentation for it here for free when it is done.

Tools used to make the documentation are Canva and Inkarnate. Roll 20 was used to simulate combat  encounters even when players weren't available.


Phelonn was imagined by me and two of my friends in august 2023, for the third year project at ESMA. However, due to a lack of multiple things and having too big of a scope, it was rejected. The hook in itself did convince however, so I am now working to make it managable for a team of juniors. It is, in many regard, a passion project.
Concept art by Dylan Goarant

My stories

As I said in my "About" page, I write a little. You can find a few stories here.

Thanks you for checking my website

You can find thing about me here, and my contacts here

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