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My stories

You can find a few stories that I wrote here. Hope you enjoy !

The story of a strange child escaping.

I am special

A voice calls me out from outside my room.


This person tells me that I'm special. That I'll become something great. That I just need to believe in myself. That they believe in me.


Every word they speak helps me calm down. Helps me tell myself that all I'm doing is not for nothing.


The only thing that bothers me is that... I do not know that person. I never saw their face. When they come inside my room, they are always wearing a full face covering mask. But I know one thing about them. They are kind.


They taught me a lot of things. Like the fact that strangers are scary. I don't think they are scary. Whenever I hear a new person talk, they are kind to me. Give me gifts. They told me that gifts are for people you care about. That means they care about me.


I supposed that's what makes me special. Everyone likes me. I am special. Every now and then, Tim comes and plays with me. Tim is nice. I like Tim. He is the only one who told me his name. He gave me a ball last week, and we played with it for hours. I really want to be nice to him but I can't right now. Maybe I'll ask for a book, to learn to make something to give him.



Tim told me that if everything is going according to some plan, I could see the sea soon ! I'm so excited ! Tim is so nice ! I have to find something ! I asked Tim about what I could give him. He told me that he liked something called "origami" ! I have to find out what it is.


I asked if I could get a book on "origami" last week and I got it two days ago. I tried making them all day with the exam papers. It is really hard but I finally managed to make a heart. I really want to give it to Tim. I can finally give him something ! I can finally give him a gift ! I gave Tim the heart ! He was really happy !


At least I think he was, it is really hard to see this through his mask, but I'm sure he smiled ! I had a hard day today. A lot of people came to talk to me about thing I don't really get. They talked about my "potential" and other things.


I don't really get it. But they always tell me this. I am special. That I'll do great things. That I'll be important soon. That I'll be a hero.


I got pulled out of my room thanks to Tim today ! He seemed panicked, but he said that he wanted to fulfill his promise to show me the sea !


I'm going to see the sea soon !


There was a lound sound and Tim fell on the ground ! Tim isn't moving anymore ! WHY ISN'T HE MOVING ?!


Something is coming out of his body and it doesn't stop ! The other people dressed like Tim are talking about something ! I'm scared ! Tim ! What's going on ?! I'M SCARED ! I'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCAREDI'MSCARED ! GET AWAY FROM ME !!!!!





I don't remember what happened.


I just woke up, and all of the people around me are gone, and the paint on the wall changed colors.


It stinks. And Tim still doesn't move.


I took off his mask earlier, and I feel sad. He looks really hurt. But he is still smiling. Why ? Because he tried to show me something special to him ? Because I don't want to see the sea anymore. I want to talk to Tim. To play with the ball with him. To make origamis with him.


Oh... Does he still have the heart ?


I checked his clothes, and yes, he still had the heart.


It has a hole in it now. And Tim begins to stink like the walls.


I read something that talks about burials a long time ago.


I'll try to burry him near the sea. After all, it is special to him. Like he is special to me.





I walked for a day with Tim on my back. I miss his voice. I didn't find the sea yet. I came across people today. They called me a monster and use a funny thing and used it to call something called the "police" to stop me.



All I want is to get Tim to the sea. The police came and attacked me. They used tool that hurt and did noise similar to those in the building. ! YOU WANT TO HURT ME AND TIM !





I got angry. And now the police isn't here anymore. I can continue to seek the sea.


I didn't eat for days. I don't mind. I don't feel weird.


Tim is smelling really bad. And the police attacked me again. They disappeared when I got angry again.


Maybe that's why I'm special. When I get mad, people that I don't like disappear.


Today, I saw a lot of buildings. A lot of people were living here. They got scared when they saw me.


Am I scary ? Or am I just too special for them ? I don't know.


They called the police again. This time, everyone went away. And now everything stinks.


I saw a sign that talked about the sea. I'm close.



I ate a bit today. The food here is good. This thing called ice cream is awesome. I wonder how Tim felt about it. I also want to see how I look like. Tim talked to me about mirrors, and he said that I could see myself in it. I want to see a mirror.


It took a while but I found one. It's true that I don't look like a lot of people. My skin a really light and tern pink, my teeth are sharper. My fingers a longuer than Tim's, even if I'm a lot smaller. And where Tim has white in his eyes, I have bright red, and where Tim has blue eyes, mine have a really dark blue. And I have one more eye, even tho it's close right now. My hair is curly and black with a bright red at the ends. It goes at my shoulders, even tho I already knew that.


I can also see most of my bones. Even my face. I understand why they find me scary. Is it why they called me special at home ? Because I look kinda weird.


I went back on my way with Tim to the sea. Tim is really pale, and I just realized that he pooed his pants days ago. I changed him with pants from one of the town's people.


The pants stinks a little but that's fine. I hear water crashing on the mountains. I think I'm close. I think that I'll see the sea soon Tim. I'll bury you there. I promise. I can see it. The sea. I know now why he liked it. It's really pretty. A lot of blue. I like blue. Maybe that's why he wanted to show it to me. It smells funny, but it's not bad at all.


I began to dig in the sand earlier, and it got under my nails, and it's annoying.


But I think the hole is deep enough to put Tim in it.


Tim went right in. But I won't refill the hole just yet. I want to make an origami to put inside the grave. I'll go back in town tomorrow.


Someone just screamed this morning. Called me a monster again. They said I killed the entire town. They attacked me with what the same thing they attacked me before. And the same tool they killed Tim with ! THEY KILLED TIM WITH THOSE ! Anger overwhelmes me, and my third eye opens, and a burning sensation comes out of it. I see them grow bigger and bigger and bigger until they all explode. Everything is painted in their innards. I did not like doing that. Did Tim knew that I could do that ? Why did he never tell me ?


I want to talk to him so much... I put myself in a ball and cried until the day was over.


I still feel like crying. I think I'm beginning to accept that I'll never talk to Tim again. I went to the city today and made two origami hearts. One for Tim, and one for me. I'll put the heart and refill the hole later today.



The police are right in front of the hole. They are pointing the tools at me. I said that I just wanted to put the heart in the hole for Tim. One for them seemed to convinced the others to let me do it, and they told me to come with them. I said I didn't want to, and a loud noise resonated, and now my shoulder can't move. They launched another tool at me and now I can't move. They put me in the thing they used to come here and I passed out while they were taking me somewhere.


One of the person that called me special was here when I woke up. He called me Clamme.


I don't like that name. I'd rather be called Kido, like Tim called me. He said it didn't matter, because I will die soon. That they couldn't let me live after what I did. I don't mind dying. I saw the sea. Tim was nice to me, and I could be nice to Tim. It's all that ever mattered to me.


They put me on a chair, pressed a button and it hurt a lot.


But I was fine afterward. They were afraid, and so they used the tools again to shoot me in the head.


But the pain never came, and a weird long haired man stood in front of me, and every single other person here seems scared. Even more scared that they are of me. He turns around and looks at me. He looks a lot like me.


"Hey Kido, how are you doing ?"


"Don't worry about me mister, I don't mind dying. Tim is waiting for me."


"Maybe, but what if I told you that I could bring you to a place that everyone will be nice like Tim was to you ?"


"Really ? You can do that ?"


"Yes. Want me to show you ?"


I don't know this person. But... unlike the others he was kind to me. But I don't like how he feels.


"No. I want to see Tim again. And you cannot replace Tim with someone else."


"Very well. See you later Kido. Say "hi" to Tim for me ok ?"


"Ok !"


I'm crying. Not because I'm afraid. Not because I'm sad. But because I'll see Tim. I'll tell him what I saw. How I looked, and how pretty the sea was. How thankful I am that he was nice to me. The man disappears, and the others all take their tools. A lot of noise happens and it hurts a lot. I fall on the ground. I feel cold. But I don't mind the cold. I can see Tim. He is coming to hug me. It feels warm...


Is it what it feels to have... a family ? I... feel...good. I... am... special...



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